All About OWLS

Snowy owl

By MSc Gvapo Tripinovic and Adam Tripinovic

Hello, and welcome back.

Since the birth of humanity, owls have been known as mysterious creatures of the night.

Today, Adam and I will share some of the most interesting facts about them.

There is much to learn about owls, from their hunting techniques to their silent flight to their mysterious hooting. Hoo-hoo, let’s dive in!

How big are owls?

Owls come in various sizes, with the Elf Owl being the smallest at only 6 inches tall or 15 centimeters. 

In contrast, the Great Gray Owl is the largest, reaching a maximum height of 2 feet or 61 centimeters.

What do owls like to eat?

Despite some beliefs, owls are not omnivores. They are carnivores and eat only meat. They hunt a wide range of prey, including small mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and insects.

Why do owls hoot at night?

Owls are nocturnal animals. They are active at night and sleep during the day. They hoot to communicate with one another in the darkness.

However, they do this to claim their territory and warn

others of its presence. This prevents intruders from entering the owl’s domain.

Which owls hoot? Which owls do not hoot?

The majority of owls hoot.

However, some of the species make other very distinctive sounds. 

The Saw-whet Owl and the Eastern Screech Owl use other vocalizations, such as whinnying or trilling.

Barn owls do not hoot, either.

Instead, they interact with one another by screaming or hissing against intruders and predators that attempt to disturb their nest.

Due to that, in many cultures, owls symbolize wisdom and magic or are associated with witchcraft and death.

Are owls dangerous, and will they attack humans? 

They don’t usually pose a threat to people. But if an owl feels threatened or its owlets are in danger, it may defend itself by swooping down and hitting with its sharp claws.

Will owls attack dogs?

Owls may attack dogs if they feel threatened, think their young are in danger, or if dogs barking annoys them during their daily nap.

How do owls see?

Owls have perfect eyesight and can see well even when there isn’t much light around. They see things in three dimensions, and judge distances exceptionally well. This makes it easier for them to hunt at night.

How large eyes do owls have? 

The eyes of an owl occupy most of its head.

Aside from their distinctive hoot, owls are most famous for their big eyes.

How do owls hunt?

Owls are superb predators. They capture their prey with their sharp talons and stealthy flight. 

They can track down their prey with perfect hearing and sight, even when it’s almost entirely dark. 

How do owls fly silently?

Owls can sneak up on their prey undetected. They do that thanks to the unique feathers that muffle the sound of their wings when they fly. 

How do owls spin their heads around?

Owls have twice more muscles in the neck compared to humans. Thanks to that, owls can turn their heads 270 degrees in each direction.

Owls and the food web.

As top predators, owls are essential to the functioning of the food chain. They assist in maintaining the optimal amount of small mammal species, such are rodents. 

How much do owls eat?

Depending on the species, an owl can eat 1.000 to 10.000 mice yearly. Wise farmers and gardeners love them as they are natural pest control machines.

How do owls eat?

After a bit of chopping, the whole meal goes in one swallow.

The owl has two stomachs.

The first produces the acids and mucus to help the owl separate digestible and indigestible parts of its prey. The “good part” of meal ten goes to the second stomach while the indigestible remains, such as fur and bones, the owl vomits out.

Why do owls feed their strongest children first?

The parents prioritize feeding the healthiest offspring over their siblings. This is done to ensure that a new generation is formed each year.

The youngest or weakest offspring can starve to death when food is scarce.

Owls never use the same nest twice.

Are owls faithful?

Some owls stay together for the breeding season, especially if they are migratory species. 

For some species, like the Little Owl, which doesn’t move much, a pair may stay together all year. 

The Tawny Owls bounds together for a lifetime.

How do we call baby owls?

Baby owls are called owlets.

They look like cute cotton balls with a face and legs.

Where do owls live?

Owls can thrive in various environments, including woodlands, grasslands, deserts, cold regions, and even urban areas.

Can owls live in the Artic region?

The Snowy Owl is native to the high latitudes of both the North American and Eurasian continents. They have successfully evolved into strong, large, white birds not just to survive and hunt in cold, harsh environments but to flourish.

They are known for their distinctive appearance and are a popular subject for photographers and bird watchers.

They are often seen in wide-open spaces like the tundra, seashore, and grasslands.

Are all owls nocturnal?

Approximately 70 percent of owls are nocturnal. The pupils of nocturnal owls are dark.

Some 25 percent of the owls are crepuscular in their behavior – active day and night. These owls have orange eyes.

Two only two species of owls that are genuinely diurnal or day owls are the pygmy owls and the northern hawk owls. They have yellow eyes.

How do owls hear?

Owls have a highly developed hearing system.

Some owls, such as the Barn owl or Boreal owl, have asymmetrical ear holes with one higher than the other. 

They can make a very accurate map of their surroundings by noticing tiny differences in how long it takes for sound to reach each ear and how loud it is. This is extremely useful for precisely locating the position of prey or potential threat.

How long are the owl’s legs?

The owl’s legs are mostly hidden.

At first glance, owls look like they have short legs, but their feathers hide their very long legs.

Most of the time, you can’t see the entire length of an owl’s legs unless its body is lifted up or its legs drop down while it’s flying.

What animals eat owls?

Although superior predators, owls have predators of their own.

Their worst enemies are eagles, hawks, foxes, and raccoons. But it will be hard for even them to catch an owl for a meal.

What is a Group of Owls Called?

The most commonly used word for a group of owls is a parliament of owls.

How long do owls live?

Depending on the species, an owl can live from 5 to 25 years in the wild.

We hope you enjoyed learning about OWLS today, and we thank you for visiting our website ParentingDad.

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You can find more great articles and videos about animals here:

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If you found this ant rescue story fascinating, be kind and share it with your friends. 

And remember to return to our blog for more incredible insights into the fascinating world of nature. 

Until next time, keep exploring and appreciating the wonders of our planet!

Adam and I wish you a great day. Stay well, and keep smiling.

Keep being curious and asking questions!

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Gvapo Tripinovic is a devoted father of a young boy and a family man. Professionally Gvapo Tripinovic is a top-tier manager and entrepreneur engaged by local and international companies in Europe. With working experience in 12 companies holding key positions and vast knowledge in the areas of interpersonal relationships, international teams, marketing, projects development, metal industry, energy, and international cooperation and trade. Gvapo Tripinovic holds the following recognitions and rewards, among others: * Master of Science in International Management * Certificate of Recognition - Issued by IBM Business Consulting Services * Foreign Direct Investment Policies - Issued by Joint Vienna Institute * Presentation Skills Program - Issued by IBM Business Consulting Services

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